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CAREER We will be a reliable partner


GLOBAL support

Overseas education Support for overseas education for outstanding workers

Various educational support Various educational support such as foreign languages like Chinese and Polish and business etiquette

Support for residential and living stability

Housing assistance Factory workers: Residence, dormitories provided

Congratulatory and condolence money assistance Allowance of congratulatory money and condolence leave in case of various celebrations such as marriage, 60th birthday, etc.

School expenses Support for children school expenses (preschool children (age 6, 7) to university)

Support for vacations and leisure activities

Vacation system 40-hour week / Summer vacation (4 days)

In-House club Ensuring leisure activities of employees through active support with various clubs such as fishing, futsal, foot volleyball etc.

Resort Membership Benefits Discounts for using Hanhwa/Daemyung Resort nationwide

Support for medical and health examinations

Regular health examinationConduct regular health examinations and preventive checkups every year

Comprehensive health examination Support for comprehensive checkups for those 40 years old and older

Human Resource Development

Operation of Quality Engineering Center - New Hires OJT
- Job expertise to secure the highest quality competitiveness
- Competency development
- Support for external education

Group for National Technical Qualification Certificate - Operation of in-house study room
- Support for the cost of obtaining certification